What is Residential Drug Rehab?
Residential drug rehabilitation programs are programs were an individual actually moves into a treatment center to live for the duration of the treatment process. Each person is governed by the rules of the treatment center and most of the rules put into place are typically used to help an addict or alcoholic avoid their temptations. Sometimes breaking the rules may lead a patient to being kicked out of the program especially if they jeopardize another patient’s sobriety. Some residential treatment programs can last anywhere from thirty days to six months or even longer. The main goal of the program is to help recovering addicts maintain long-term sobriety. Counselors and therapists are employed at the facility to help individuals deal with the emotional side of drug addiction. These programs are more intricate than outpatient drug treatment.
Benefits of Residential Drug Rehab
The benefits of a residential drug rehab are numerous. The main advantage is that the residential drug program is much more intensive. The residents live with each other in a drug free environment. This helps recovering addicts learn to deal with life and problems without turning to drugs. The one on one therapy with a counselor is also helpful and thorough. Group therapy helps individuals to learn techniques that can help them deal with their problems in a more positive way. In a residential setting, the individual is more prepared for the challenges they face in maintaining sobriety. In a residential drug rehab, recovering addicts are given the tools to deal with life on life’s terms.
Treatment Provided at Residential Drug Rehab
A residential drug rehab helps recovering addicts deal with the complex emotions that led to their issues. Recovering addicts are placed into group therapy. There they can converse with people who experienced problems similar to their own. The groups can consist of residents in different stages of addiction recovery. These group therapy sessions can help a resident learn problem-solving techniques to help them deal with difficult situations. Some recovering addicts may need anger management classes to help them learn more effective ways to deal with their anger. Throughout all of these therapies patients will either role play or be given assignments to help them refine their skills. Goals are set for each resident as well as a periodic assessment to see how each resident is doing. Residents are taught many techniques to help them integrate back into society and prevent relapse.